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Rainwater Harvesting For Apartments In Bangalore

Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable practice that involves collecting and storing rainwater for later use. This method helps address water scarcity issues, especially in regions with irregular rainfall patterns or limited access to freshwater resources.


Hamsa Enviro Energy Solutions has been a leading rain harvesting service and consultant across south India since 2009.

rainwater harvesting for apartments in bangalore image view

Best Rainwater Harvesting For Apartment Consultants Bangalore

  1. Rooftop rain water Harvesting In Bangalore

Rooftop rain water harvesting consultant:: If apartment with impervious roofs are already in place, flat & and sloped roofs, the catchment area is effectively available free of charge and they supply the point of consumption. This water can be stored by filtering water, with adequate filtration systems, depending upon the available catchment area, such as wall mount mechanical filters for independent homes and small residential buildings, ancient sand bed filtration systems with settlement tanks for big residential buildings, commercial complexes, and industries. The same can recharge the Earth or Bore well.

















   2. Land-based 


    A. Groundwater recharge in rural areas

  • Gully plugs

  • Contour bund

  • Gabion structure

  • Dug well recharge

  • Bore well recharge

  • Groundwater dams e Percolation tank

  • Check dams / Cement plugs / Nala bund e Recharge shaft

  • Sub-surface dykes

  • Lake

  • Pond

    B. Groundwater recharge in urban areas

  • Recharge pit

  • Recharge trench Trench with recharge well Stormwater recharge well

  • Footpaths

  • Landscape Parks

  • Roads


        Benefits of Rain Harvesting 


  • Rain harvesting is a clean and free source of water, at the point where it is needed

  • It promotes self-sufficiency and conserves water

  • It uses a simple technology which makes it easy to maintain

  • Provides safe water for human consumption after proper treatment at low running prices

  • Can supplement other sources of water supply

  • Reduces flood flows & and dependency on groundwater

  • Improves the quality of groundwater through dilution when recharged

  • Reduces soil erosion as the surface runoff is reduced

  • The structures required for RWH are simple, economical, and eco-friendly.

  • Best Rainwater harvesting in Bengaluru can also be set with the already existing infrastructure

  • Yields high-quality water - pure, soft, with low minerals, free of organic matter and chemicals

  • In coastal areas, where the water is saline, RWH is the panacea

  • Saving of energy to lift groundwater(One-meter rise in water level saves 0.40 kilowatt hour of electricity)

  • RWH at reasonable cost offered by Hamsa enviro solution


Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting for apartments in bangalore image view
Best Rain harvesting Consultant in Bangalore

Hamsa Enviro Energy Solution

Best Rain harvesting Consultant in Bengaluru

Rainwater Harvest Methods 

borewell direct recharge rain water harvesting

Borewell Direct Recharge RWH For Home & Apartment

Borewell direct recharge is a method used to replenish groundwater levels by allowing rainwater or surface water to directly infiltrate into the ground through a borewell. This process helps in augmenting groundwater resources, especially in areas facing water scarcity or depletion of aquifers. Borewell recharge at reasonable cost offered by Hamsa enviro solution

bore well indirect recharge rain water harvesting in bangalore

BoreWell Indirect Recharge RWH 

Borewell indirect recharge is a method used to replenish groundwater levels indirectly by diverting rainwater or surface water to areas adjacent to borewells, allowing the water to infiltrate into the ground and recharge the aquifers.

rain water sand filteration in bangalore image view

Rain Water Sand Bed Filtration RWH

Rainwater sand bed filtration (RSBF) is a technique used in rain harvesting (RWH) systems to improve the quality of collected rainwater before it is stored or reused. This method involves passing collected rainwater through layers of sand to remove impurities and contaminants, thereby making the water safer for various uses such as drinking, irrigation, or household chores.

groundwater recharge in bangalore

Groundwater Recharge RWH 

Groundwater recharge through RWH involves collecting and directing rainwater to replenish underground aquifers, thereby enhancing groundwater levels. This process is crucial for sustainable water management, especially in regions facing groundwater depletion due to over-extraction or inadequate recharge rates.

Importance of the RWH Services


Water scarcity has become a major problem due to varied reasons. An ideal solution to combat water scarcity is to reuse and recycle the available water. In tune with this, installing the RWH unit in every home is cost-effective and environment-friendly. The best RWH unit captures the rainwater that will otherwise flow down the drain and makes it reusable. The efficacy of RWH lies in making the rainwater even potable which means rainwater can be used for drinking and even to cook after scientifically treating it.


Rain harvesting service is most suitable where -


  • Groundwater is scarce

  • Groundwater is contaminated

  •  The terrain is rugged or mountainous,

  • Seismic & and flooding events are common,

  • The aquifer is at the risk of saltwater intrusion,

  • Electricity & and water prices are rising

  • Water is too hard or mineral-laden


The potential of the RWH system


The total amount of water that is received in the form of rainfall over an area is called the rainwater endowment of that area. Out of this, the amount that can be effectively harvested is called the water harvesting potential. Among the several factors that influence the rain harvesting potential of a site area, climatic conditions especially rainfall quantity, pattern (region, dry period & and storage structure), and catchment characteristics are considered to be the most important.


Rain water Harvesting Filters 

Rain harvesting filters are crucial components in rainwater collection systems. They help to ensure that the collected rainwater is clean and safe for various uses such as irrigation, flushing toilets, and even for drinking with proper treatment.


    Some common types of rain water harvesting filters


  1. Mesh Filters: These are usually the first line of defense against debris such as leaves, twigs, and other larger particles. They are often placed at the inlet of the collection system to prevent these materials from entering the storage tank.

  2. Gutter Guards: Installed in gutters, these filters prevent larger debris from entering the system, reducing the maintenance required for other filters.

  3. First Flush Diverters: These diverters are designed to divert the initial flow of rainwater away from the storage tank, which helps to flush out pollutants that may have accumulated on the roof between rain events. They are handy for removing dust, bird droppings, and other contaminants.

  4. Downspout Filters: Placed in downspouts, these filters further remove debris that may have bypassed the mesh filters or gutter guards.

  5. Fine Filters: These filters remove smaller particles, sediment, and dissolved solids from the rainwater. They are typically placed after the first flush diverter and are crucial for ensuring water quality, especially if the harvested rainwater is intended for potable use.

  6. Carbon Filters: For rainwater that will be used for drinking, carbon filters can be employed to remove impurities, and odors, and improve taste.

  7. UV Sterilization: While not technically a filter, UV sterilization systems are often used in conjunction with filtration to kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens that may be present in rainwater, making it safe for drinking.


Proper maintenance of rain harvesting filters is essential to ensure the efficiency and longevity of a rain harvesting system. Regular cleaning and replacement of filter elements, especially after heavy rainfall or during periods of high debris accumulation, are necessary to prevent clogging and maintain water quality.

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